Friday, April 19, 2013

The Best Moments in Life

Westfork Lake is one of John's favorite backpacking/fishing destinations.  It’s not a difficult hike but it is uphill for 5.5 miles through old growth cedar and pines, normally a 2-3 hour hike, depending on who you’re with. 

Westfork Lake is located in the Selkirk Mountains range within viewing distance of the Canadian Rockies.  John Baisden's favorite time of the year to visit Westfork Lake is in the early fall. The nights are cool and crisp; at night the stars are so bright; and the fall colors are in full effect!

Westfork Lake itself is situated just below a shear upward granite wall.  The granite rock rises approximately 500 feet above the lake and connects to the ridge overlooking the lake.  Situated on top of Westfork Ridge is an old 60- foot look-out tower where fire watches were once conducted back in the 1950's.  It is not adviseable to climb up into the tower today as there is broken glass and many of the wooden steps have rotted away.  The view on top of the ridge are breathtaking as you are able to view the states of Washington, Idaho, Montana and Canada.  The mountains are impressive!   It is a scene that you would see on a postcard.

Of course, the real reason one goes to Westfork Lake is for the solitude and the impressive fishing.  Without fail, the fishing results are never disappointing.  At times, it’s like every cast brings in a 10-14” cut throat trout.  If you’re expecting to see animals, then you’ll get our wish, everything from white tail deer, moose, bald eagles and maybe a bear.  The nightly camp fire stories with family are exaggerated but by the time everyone goes to bed, they have all been scared and then reassured that they were only stories.  John believe's that the best moments are reserved for families, his family.  John Baisden has been hiking to Westfork Lake for so many years now that the 3rd generation, his grandchildren are now making the yarly trip in the Fall. 

What a thrill it is to hike next to your young grandson or granddaughter.   Last year John backpacked up the trail with his 6 year old granddaughter, who matched him, step for step.  She was there when John dislocated one of his fingers and she provided the much needed support that a Grandfather needs in such a time.  She was a strength to him, volunteering to carry his backpack, that was 2 times her height and weight.  Even with the setback, she and John reached Westfork Lake first!   Life is about creating memories with those whom you love, those are the best memories to have.  Perhaps you too, will want to hike to West Fork Lake to experience the serenity, solitude and memories that will last a lifetime.  There may even be a chance that if you choose to hike in the Fall, John will be present with some of his family!

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