Friday, November 2, 2012

John Baisden Supports Clean Energy

In today's day and age, it's easy to be amazed by the technological development that we've accomplished. We have computers, the internet, smartphones, tablet PCs, and more. Every day scientists and inventors are coming up with more and more interesting advancements. John Baisden likes to keep an eye on these things, but he knows that nothing matters if we don't have the energy to power our technology!

Currently a lot of the world operates on fossil fuel power. We get electricity from oil, natural gas, and coal. These will eventually run out, plus they are often heavy polluters of the environment. John Baisden is a huge outdoorsman and hates to see any part of nature polluted. That's why he supports clean and green energy.

Some of the oldest clean energy is Nuclear and Hydropower. Nuclear can provide a lot of energy but it has its drawbacks. Nuclear energy generates a lot of radioactive waste and we have to find somewhere to put it so that it doesn't affect us. In addition to that, meltdowns and other physical problems can be catastrophic if managed poorly. Just look at Chernobyl!

Hydropower is definitely a lot cleaner than nuclear but it has its problems as well. A large dam can totally wreck the ecosystem of a river and kill off species that relied on a flowing river. Maintenance is expensive as well. There are new technologies to generate hydropower non-invasively, and John Baisden hopes they gain traction sooner rather than later.

John Baisden's favorite clean energy is solar. The sun shines down much more energy than we use in a day, it's just a matter of capturing and storing it. John Baisden hopes to see a continued investment into clean technology at Turning Winds Academic Institute.